Sunday 19 December 2010

Water for Elephants: Final Banner

I made my images bigger and adapted some of them  to work with the final banner, i.e. the sizing of the elephant, and experimented with composition, combining both the back and front cover so that you can see both the book cover I created and this banner relate to one another.

Once again I added a drop shadow to the text and used a bold version of the font Candara to make it stand out against the background clearer. For an interesting effect I have tired to balance the words "Sara Guren" on the ballerinas hand.

I used text wrap as a means to align the text so the eye follows the text and images together linming them  all to one another.

Water for Elephants Banner: idea 1

This is the first idea I produced for the banner of my book cover, I tried simplifying my images here completely, as the first front cover I produced was quite busy. So on the Banner I just used a few images and a central alingment.
The banner to me reflects the depression and circus life, and the image looks quite creepy, showing that side of the storyline.
I put a drop shadow on the font to make it stand out against my textured background, as when resized for the banner the texture becomes more grainy and legibility harder.

water for elephants final book cover

After playing around with composition on the image I have come to the final version of my book cvoer pictured below:

I felt the image on the front cover of the previous idea could also work well on the back cover, the tents behind the circus were made in a similar style to my elephant (using oil paints)

The stroke was removed from all vectors, I changed the image of two ballerinas to one, as it fits better with the storyline and used the colour pink in my work repetively to reflect the colours in the characters costume in the storyline.

I chose a script font as I felt it worked better with the more "delicate images" the script font also connotates romance novel, which  is what the story is deep at heart.

The grim green background reflects the depression and 1930s colour scheme.

I centered the blurb text as I felt this alignment worked and made use of space, I put the books quote in bold to show how important it was.

Water for elephants idea 1:

Using some vectors I had created I started putting together my first idea for a book cover, although I like the idea I think the book cover is too busy, and the images are too contrasting when draped across one background. Originally I wanted the old man to be placed on the front cover on the blurb, however after recieving feedback on the idea I realised that this wouldn't be commercial, which is why I placed it by the blurb instead.

I quite like the text wrap style of text on back cover here, though it doesn't neccesarily make use of space.

I do like the idea of characters and eccentricity, And the cut off circus, I originally put the word in to anchor the image, however when looking at it here it is self explanitory to me what it is, especially witht the other images around it.

I wanted to replace the hippo character with an elephant to reflect the title of the book better, however I think the positioning of the character should be reconsidered, as here it looks as if it is floating in middair.

I think on the spine the wording of the title could be smaller, and sara gruen could aligned to it, having less characters at the bottom of the sign.

Although I like all the individual vectors they too contast a bit, some have stroke, and some don't so I am going to make them appear more consistent on the next version of the book cover I produce.

Further research into project

Wanting to focus the water for elephants cover on the emphasis of character, the idea of the main character sitting in a house I done some research into 1930's interior and colour schemes, to create an authenic styled front book cover.

Below are some useful links I found to help me with my project:
1930s style interior design sketches

room layout, fabric ideas

1930s lights

colour schemes

a virtual 1930s house research

Gordon van tine

This research helped me when creating  a textured background for my book:
I also created my own interior objects in the style of the era


Table and Lamp